Feel free to browse the packages that I have to offer
If there is a package that you would like to purchase you will need to register
After registration which gives you an account then you will be able to log in and enroll/make your purchase
Hypnosis is an evolving practice so these packages will be amended from time to time to ensure you are getting the most effective sessions to reach your goals
Guided Solutions: Pamela O’Leary
Each package has a log in button if you have been logged out
Membership is restricted to a single IP address. Sessions are not to be listened to while driving or at work
Take Action For Life $ 947 (AUD)
There are many different ways to do Intermittent fasting. Whatever program you chose must fit in with your lifestyle. This program is based on fasting from the time you finish your evening meal until late morning or lunch the following day. So if you don’t eat breakfast then Take Action For Life will suit you.
It means your body has at least 18 hours of fasting. Then when you follow the rest of the program which includes lowering your calorie intake for 2 days during the week until you reach your goal you will have amazing results.
The program includes hypnosis sessions, demonstrations plus some handy hints.
You will also be invited into my private Facebook page for extra support
Click on the [View More] button to enroll/pay or log in to enjoy your purchase.
Move it for Life $ 947 (AUD)
This program is based on Dr Michael Mosely’s 5:2 intermittent fasting plan.
I call it my gentle program as it is not as rapid as Fast 800 where we eat 800 calories each and every day until we reach our goal.
So it does take a longer time to slim down. This method suits a lot of people and is a popular program.
Move it for life is about lowering your calorie intake to 2 days a week and eating normally the other 5 days.
I do suggest that if the 2 days are going well you can add another day so you lose weight that little bit quicker.
Being prepared is very important and I do recommend the Fast 800 recipe book as it will show you meal sizes, calorie intake as well as protein, carbs and fat content. It also has menu plans plus delicious recipes.
There is so much flexibility as it must suit your daily life.
This program also gives you the option of joining my private Facebook page for extra support and ideas.
Click on the [View More] button to enroll/pay or log in to enjoy your purchase.
Getting It Off for Life, Designed for Men $ 947 (AUD)
After listening to many male clients I have put together this program to help more men lose weight.
Some may want to look at the emotional issues around their weight gain while other won’t.
It is totally up to each of you how you use this program. You can meditate as you listen to each session or simply skip over to what you want to hear or learn about.
The program is based on the 18:6 fasting idea of eating the evening meal early then fasting until mid morning the following day while choosing 2 days a week of reducing your calorie intake to 800 calories on both days.
There is so much flexibility as it must suit your daily life.
This program also gives you the option of joining my private Facebook page for extra support and ideas.
Click on the [View More] button to enroll/pay or log in to enjoy your purchase.
You and your Best Body for Life based on the Michael Mosley's Fast 800 lifestyle. $ 947 (AUD)
This program is for people who are ready for rapid weight loss.
You eat only 800 calories each and every day until you get to your idea weight or body size.
You then go onto maintenance of fasting 1 -2 days per week for the rest of your life. This will maintain your ideal weight forever.
It is quick and very efficient. I used this plan when I lost weight. Knowing I was fasting each and every day really kept me focused.
It suited my lifestyle. I used “The Fast 800 recipe book’ which made life easy as it shows the amounts of food to eat plus calories, carbs, fat, protein and fibre for each meal.
The program also contains 10 hypnosis sessions, demonstrations and helpful hints to keep you motivated.
Click on the [View More] button to enroll/pay or log in to enjoy your purchase.
This session helps you to relax your whole body and mind. As you listen to my voice we go on a wonderful journey that takes you away from the stresses of your daily life. $ 20 (AUD)
Click on the [View More] button to enroll/pay or log in to enjoy your purchase.
Grief and loss can bring up many emotions that if not dealt with can cause comfort eating. This session helps you to let go of grief and feel happy and positive about life and yourself. $ 20 (AUD)
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This session helps you to identify why you are snacking when you are actually not hungry. I encourage you to look at other simple distractions to take your mind off emotional eating. We also look at your main meals and how balanced they are. Balanced meals should take you through to the next meal of the day. $ 20 (AUD)
Click on the [View More] button to enroll/pay or log in to enjoy your purchase.
This session helps you to listen to your stomach and eat only the amount of food you need for that meal. Therefore you understand you don’t have to keep eating until you are full and uncomfortable. You are also reassured that there is always enough food to go around. $ 20 (AUD
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